Hello everyone, here are some important updates for you from EBN (Enkyoji Buddhist Network) Sign up today for this 7-day Ohigan Purification
New Podcasts Released The First Noble Truth of Suffering by The Rowdy Nichiren Buddhist (anchor.fm) The First Noble Truth of Suffering by
https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fgasshodo.com%2Fproduct%2Fshugendo-fall-mountain-training%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2DC80F7nppn6UbRxstDUSx_6x5C8ZrvBGcVLrrTAv1HI4CsOI1WPOF3UQ&h=AT1OUXu-VVXh_XZ3-S5gV6MvCSW_MHmV5HCzCVaQ8fJNBJZl86UZhw49wU1n4ir7hDXexd1vmEY4ZJ1XlwXscP7EFV3evZaji6-ZGM4-OFW521bBJ0yDI7hkPgsPkIlHFAiTD4XbNNHfkNw6E64 All right everyone we’re ready for our annual mountain training in Seattle. I hope to see as many people as possible