our Minister
Reverend Kanjin Cederman

Rev Kanjin Cederman is the head minister of the Choeizan Enkyoji.
Prior to assuming this position, he was head minister of the Seattle Nichiren Buddhist Church for 2 years and before that head minister of the Western New York Buddhist Sangha.
Rev Cederman was born in Wheatfield, NY. When he was 18, he became a Buddhist monk in the Chinese Shingon tradition. At the age of 23 he moved to Toronto where he met Rev Tsukamoto, head minister of the Toronto Nichiren Shu temple. Rev Tsukamoto gave Rev Cederman a copy of the Lotus Sutra, and Rev Cederman became convinced that the Lotus Sutra was the highest teaching of the Buddha. One week before he was scheduled to move to Taiwan for the rest of his life, Rev Cederman left the Shingon temple and began to study with Rev Tsukamoto.Rev Cederman studied with Rev Tsukamoto for 13 years. In 2007 Rev Cederman attended Shingyo Dojo at Mount Minobu in Japan where he completed his studies and became a Nichiren Shu priest. In June 2010 he attended reidan training in Tokyo, and in November 2010 he attended aragyo at Onjuin in Chiba, Japan.