Guidelines For Learning & Practice At Seattle Choeizan Enkyoji Temple


Hello Everyone,

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I am starting with an outline of basic practices that I maintain in my daily life, which I believe allows myself to be more in accordance and grounded in my “Buddhist Life Practice”.

I say “Buddhist Life Practice” because it is far too easy for people to fall into Buddhism like any regular practice or faith.  We have many external similarities with other practices.  However, Buddhism is profoundly different in that we see the benefit and suffering in our daily lives, in which we actively and with gusto pursue its true meaning and ways in which it can be changed.  We are ready to see it in this life “Here and Now” and to live in the Pure Land of Mt. Sacred Eagle, not merely in our minds or the next life.

One of the most obvious assimilations is that we hold group services on Sunday.  As a practitioner and leader, I often see people falling into the mind that that Sunday Service is the main practice of their Buddhism and think to myself, “I did not join Buddhism to purchase a religious form or image, I wish to change my life“.  I have experienced the power of Buddhism to do that for me.  This also inspired me to write this!

Today in talking to our newly ordained Shami Kanyu Kroll, I stated in our conversation that “Buddhism is not about the status quo, it is about growing our lives and to see the reality of our state and attaining a truly bright maturity.”  In the years of my practice, I have always wished to develop a simple list of basic Buddhist practices that I use to balance my life and practice.

When you are practicing one you are practicing the others, as all of them are grounded in the original vow “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo”, to uphold the Dharma in every aspect of our beings.  Also, I have always strived to have a well rounded experience, growing and developing awareness of the many abilities that Buddhism illuminates in our lives.   Exposing the self-doubt, anger and other poisons in our minds.  We are not talking about a obscure theory, I have realized as expounded and demonstrated in our Founder Sakyamuni Buddha’s and Nichiren Shonin’s life. To awaken the Dharma simply means to abide and uphold it, shown to us in the Lotus Sutra and the lives of our Founders.

This will be the first of this blog of which I hope you will take to heart and investigate through your daily lives.  I hope you will take this walk with me and share this with others!

With Gassho…

Important Practices

1.) Reciting the Odaimoku and Chanting the Sutra.  (Temple & Personal Practice).

2.) Model for others the Lotus Sutra.  (Interaction with Others)

3.) Substantial Practice. (Physical; Action)

4.) Living Mandala. (Circle Practice)

5) Dharma Study

6.) Rokusai Nichi Observance

          We will discuss and investigate each of these practices together, so as to realize “My Life is the Buddhist Path!”

Disclaimer: Each temple and teacher may instruct you in a different way and method.  This is simply my realization of my own life and practice and I share it with others simply that it may benefit their own Practice and Study.  In all instances confer or discuss your practice with your Buddhist teacher.

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